Downstream Strategies’ diverse team of scientists and economic development specialists boasts a wide range of expertise. What sets us apart from larger consulting firms is our individualized approach to projects that make use of our interdisciplinary skill sets. Our in-house experts take pride and a personal interest in our clients’ projects and communities. One of our experts, Dale Shannon, is a senior economist with decades of experience working with a variety of clients, including energy developers, educational institutions, hospitals, port authorities, and governmental agencies.
Dale focuses on economic benefits analyses related to environmental and economic development projects. For example, he has helped bring federal funding to Appalachian communities to diversify the economy by demonstrating the benefits of innovative economic development projects, including recreational trails, tourist attractions, greenspace, downtown revitalization efforts, and brownfields redevelopment. Dale also utilizes economic analyses to estimate the local economic benefits of renewable energy projects so that developers and nonprofits can bring new jobs to Appalachia.
We not only help our clients account for the costs of potential projects, but also the advantages and benefits they may bring to the table. Now is an exciting time to be doing this type of work because of the unprecedented scale of federal investments coming to Appalachia. Opportunities are abundant to improve the environment, renew community infrastructure, and increase the availability of local jobs.
If your community is interested in learning more about economic impact analyses or project feasibility studies, check out our Economic and Demographic Analysis services page or reach out to Dale Shannon at dshannon@downstreamstrategies.