Expert Testimony and Litigation Support

Scientific experts often provide crucial facts and opinions for litigation related to environmental science and policy, permitting, and contamination events. Downstream Strategies offers expert testimony, litigation support, and subject-matter expertise for a wide range of environmental issues. Our team of highly-credentialed environmental professionals works with a number of law firms and individual clients on cases involving water, soil, air, and dust contamination.

We provide skilled experts with strong backgrounds in environmental science, federal and state environmental laws and regulations, field data collection and interpretation, complex remediation projects, analysis and interpretation of large environmental data sets, and GIS-based spatial analysis and cartography. We have testified in federal and state court, before appeals boards, and before a state public service commission. We offer expert and fact witnesses, expert reports, and written and oral testimony on issues related to:
  • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits, including antidegradation requirements
  • Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) mining permits
  • Quarry permits
  • Public Service Commission certificates of convenience and necessity and siting certificates

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