Appalachian Solar Development
In the coming years, thousands of megawatts of large-scale solar arrays will be built across Appalachia. For developers from outside the region and new developers within the region, the landscape for solar here can be difficult. Appalachian Solar Development helps landowners and developers identify, develop, and manage solar projects in this complicated geography.
Our primary service areas are:
- site evaluation and land lease/purchase agreements,
- utility interconnection agreements and project permitting,
- site due diligence, and
- public outreach and corporate representation.
Let us help you get a favorable offer for your properties. We have direct connections with solar development firms and know the ins and outs of solar land deals. We’ll work with you to analyze the potential for solar on your properties and to market viable properties to solar developers.
We know the Appalachian landscape better than anyone. We have a queue of landowners and potential projects that are waiting for you. Already have a site or project? We’ll take care of project permitting and site due diligence. We also have relationships with individuals in all levels of government across the region; let us help garner support for your project.
We want to work with you. Contact Joey James today.
304-322-4590 •